Reading groups

Higher Algebraic K-theory

The goal of this reading group is to introduce the theory of higher algebraic K-theory both through Waldhausen's S-dot construction and Quillen's Q-construction, and understanding the connection between these, aswell as proving some of the fundemental theorems in algebraic K-theory.

Introduction to

The goal of this reading group is to introduce the basic notions of infinity-categories in the model of quasicategories and make the participants comfortable with how the foundations are built, and how to carry out proofs in this language. This will be done by going through 4 important theorems: Joyal's lifting theorem, Straightning-Unstraightning, the Yoneda lemma and the Adjoint Functor theorem.

Chromatic Homotopy Theory

The aim of this seminar is to give an overall introduction to chromatic homotopy theory, without relying on the theory of stacks, with the goal being to state and understand the significance of some of the big conjectures in this field

The reading groups below have finished, but the pages still contain the syllabus and notes. If you have any questions about starting reading groups regarding the topics below, please don't hesitate to reach out.